Here you have to arrange the given words in an alphabetical sequence and find the position of the word in the sequence.
Alphabetical Order Worksheets PDF: Click on image to download PDF
Exercise – 1: Which of them will come at the FOURTH PLACE, when arranged in alphabetical order?
1: (1) Married (2) Marriage (3) Marriageable (4) Marry (5) Marrying
2: (1) Social (2) Sociable (3) Society (4) Sought (5) Sought
3: (1) Requirement (2) Reinforce (3) Renewable (4) Regicide (5) Readymade
4: (1) Adopt (2) Adept (3) Adapt (4) Addable (5) Additional
Answers: 1. (4) 2. (4) 3. (3) 4. (2)
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Exercise – 2: Which word will come at the THIRD PLACE, if all of them are arranged in alphabetical order?
1: (1) Between (2) Beyond (3) Beloved (4) Beside (5) Before
2: (1) Convert (2) Constant (3) Conversation (4) Conferred (5) Coffee
3: (1) Efficient (2) Effective (3) Enable (4) Enforce (5) Entertain
4: (1) Police (2) Policy (3) Polio (4) Poetry (5) Politics
5: (1) Glitters (2) Glittering (3) Gilt (4) Gift
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Exercise – 3: Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and choose the one that comes FIRST PLACE.
1: (1) Guarantee (2) Group (3) Grotesque (4) Guard (5) Groan
2: (1) Science (2) Scrutiny (3) Scripture (4) Scramble (5) Script
3: (1) Slander (2) Skeleton (3) Stimulate (4) Similar (5) Summary
4: (1) Pedantic (2) Pedestrian (3) Pedigree (4) Pedstal (5) Pedlar
Answers: 1. (5), 2. (5) 3. (4) , 4. (1)
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More Alphabetical sequence of words Questions with Answers
Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and pick the one that comes last
(1) Abandon
(2) Actuate
(3) Accumulate
(4) Acquit
(5) Achieve
Arrange the words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that comes second last
(1) Brook
(2) Bandit
(3) Boisterous
(4) Baffle
(5) Bright
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Directions (next 3 questions): Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that comes in the middle.
(1) Alive
(2) Afforest
(3) Anticipate
(4) Appreciate
(5) Achieve
(1) Parasite
(2) Party
(3) Petal
(4) Paste
(5) Prick
(1) Signature
(2) Significance
(3) Sight
(4) Sigh
(5) Sieve
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How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘HORIZON’ which have as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) More than 3
(5) None of these
If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the second, the sixth, the ninth and the twelfth letters of the word ‘CONTRIBUTION’, which of the following will be the last letter of that word? If more than one such words can be made give M as the answer and if no such word is there, give X as the answer.
(1) T
(2) O
(3) N
(4) M
(5) X
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Directions (next 4 questions): Each of the following questions is based on the following alphabet series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Which letter is sixteenth to the right of the letter which is fourth to the left of I?
(1) S
(2) T
(3) U
(4) V
(5) None of these
If the first half of the alphabet was written in the reverse order, which letter would be the nineteenth from your right?
(1) H
(2) F
(3) D
(4) E
(5) None of these
Which letter will be sixth to the right of the eleventh letter from the right end of the alphabet?
(1) K
(2) V
(3) J
(4) U
(5) None of these
If the above letters were in the reverse order, which will be the fifth letter to the ninth letter from the right?
(1) P
(2) N
(3) D
(4) W
(5) None of these
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Which of the following words will come Second when the words are arranged in alphabetical sequence?
(1) Narrate
(2) Narrative
(3) Narration
(4) Narrator
Which of them will come at the Fourth, when arranged in alphabetical order?
(1) Touch
(2) Took
(3) Tonic
(4) Tour
Which letter will be midway between the fifteenth letter from the left and eighteenth letter from the right end?
(1) H
(2) K
(3) G
(4) L
If the first and the third letters in the word NECESSARY were interchanged, also the fourth and the sixth letters, and the seventh and the ninth letters, which of the following would be the 7th letter from the left?
(1) A
(2) Y
(3) R
(4) E
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Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that comes in the middle.
(1) Radical
(2) Radiate
(3) Racket
(4) Radius
(5) Radar
Arrange the words in alphabetical order and pick the one that comes second.
(1) Explosion
(2) Emergency
(3) Ecstasy
(4) Eager
Choose the one that comes first.
(1) Nature
(2) Native
(3) Narrate
(4) Nascent
Which of the following words will come Fourth when the words are arranged in alphabetical sequence?
(1) Desecrate
(2) Descry
(3) Descriptive
(4) Desecration
Which letter is the seventh to the right of the thirteenth letter from your left?
(1) S
(2) T
(3) U
(4) V
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Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes last. Heavy, Heredity, Hesitate, Hedge, Hero, Haste, History, Hinderance
(1) Hesitate, Hedge, Hero, Haste, History, Hinderance
(2) History, Hinderance, Hesitate, Hedge, Hero, Haste
(3) Hesitate, Hedge, Hero, History, Haste, Hinderance
(4) Haste, Heavy, Hedge, Heredity, Hero, Hesitate, Hinderance, History