MCQ on Animal Tissues

Quiz on Structure and Function of Animal Tissue:

Which one of the following is not essentially a part of nervous system
(a) Cyton
(b) Axon
(c) Myelinated
(d) Intermedin

Ans. (d)

“Graveyard of RBCs” is
(a) Liver
(b) Spleen
(c) Kidney
(d) All the above

Ans. (b)

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The skeletal tissue consists of organic matrix called as
(a) Hyaline
(b) Chondrin
(c) Osteoblast
(d) Chondroblast

Ans. (b)

The word epithelium was coined by
(a) Malpighii
(b) Ruysch
(c) Bichat
(d) None

Ans. (b)

Who propounded the “Sliding filament theory” for muscles contraction
(a) Cori
(b) H.E. Huxley
(c) A.F. Huxley
(d) H.E. Huxley and A.F. Huxley

Ans. (d)

An osteon contains
(a) One Haversian canal and Haversian lamellae
(b) Haversian canal and Volkmman’s canal
(c) Haversian canal and circumferential lamellae
(d) Haversian canal, Haversial lamellae and osteoblast layer

Ans. (a)

Which type of neurons are found in the retina
(a) Unipolar
(b) Pseudo–unipolar
(c) Multipolar
(d) Bipolar

Ans. (d)

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Which of the following is a transparent tissue
(a) Tendon
(b) Ligament
(c) Fibrous cartilage
(d) Hyaline cartilage

Ans. (d)

Which among the following is the strongest cartilage
(a) Hyaline cartilage
(b) Elastic cartilage
(c) White fibro cartilage
(d) Violet fibro cartilage

Ans. (c)

Epithelial tissue performs the following functions
(a) Protection, secretion, absorption, respiration
(b) Protection, secretion, sensation, absorption
(c) Protection, secretion, absorption, digestion
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Average life span of human R.B.C. is
(a) 100 days
(b) 90 days
(c) 120 days
(d) None

Ans. (c)

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The muscles involved in the movement of the arm are
(a) Unstriped
(b) Striped
(c) Cardiac
(d) Alar

Ans. (b)

Formation of cartilage is known as
(a) Diapedesis
(b) Chondrogenesis
(c) Haemopoiesis
(d) Ossification

Ans. (b)

Bone marrow is made up of
(a) Muscular fibre and fatty tissue
(b) Fatty tissue and areolar tissue
(c) Fatty tissue and cartilage
(d) Fatty tissue, areolar tissue and blood vessel

Ans. (d)

Pavement epithelium is another name for
(a) Cuboidal epithelium
(b) Ciliated epithelium
(c) Simple squamous epithelium
(d) Stratified epithelium

Ans. (c)

Blood is formed of
(a) Plasma and bone marrow cells
(b) Plasma and white and red blood cells
(c) Plasma and white blood cells
(d) Plasma and red blood cells

Ans. (b)

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Striped muscles have
(a) One nucleus
(b) Many nuclei
(c) Two nuclei
(d) No nuclei

Ans. (b)

The chemical which causes damage of WBC, bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes and lungs is
(a) Iodine –131
(b) Calcium
(c) Strontium –90
(d) Iodine –127

Ans. (c)

Inner surface of fallopian tubes, bronchi and bronchioles are lined by
(a) Squamous epithelium
(b) Ciliated epithelium
(c) Columnar epithelium
(d) Cubical epithelium

Ans. (b)

Intervertebral disc is made up of
(a) Elastic cartilage
(b) Fibrous cartilage
(c) Calcified cartilage
(d) Hyaline cartilage

Ans. (b)

The neurilemma surrounds the
(a) Axis cylinder
(b) Cell body
(c) Myelin sheath
(d) Endoneurium

Ans. (c)

Schneiderian membrane is found in
(a) Nasal passage
(b) Trachea
(c) Bowman’s capsule
(d) Loop of Henle

Ans. (a)

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Sarcoplasm is the
(a) Cytoplasm of nerve fibres
(b) Cytoplasm of muscle fibres
(c) Unit of muscle contraction
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

Which of the following tissue is called as “homeostatic reservoir”
(a) Cartilage
(b) Bone
(c) Calcified cartilage
(d) All the above

Ans. (b)

Stratified squamous epithelium is found in
(a) Trachea
(b) Epidermis
(c) Mouth cavity (buccal)
(d) Lining of blood vessels

Ans. (b)

Where would you find mast cells
(a) Adipose tissue
(b) Areolar tissue
(c) Yellow fibrous tissue
(d) White fibrous tissue

Ans. (b)

Myoglobin is found in
(a) Muscles
(b) Blood
(c) Liver
(d) Spleen

Ans. (a)

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Brush bordered epithelium is found in
(a) Fallopian tube
(b) Small intestine
(c) Stomach
(d) Trachea

Ans. (b)

Adipose tissue is found in mammals
(a) In epidermis
(b) In muscles
(c) In dermis
(d) Below dermis

Ans. (d)

Which of the following is most widely distributed in the body forming major part
(a) Connective tissue
(b) Epithelial tissue
(c) Muscular tissue
(d) Nervous tissue

Ans. (c)

The tissue having similar properties as of protoplasm is
(a) Epithelial tissue
(b) Connective tissue
(c) Nervous tissue
(d) Muscular tissue

Ans. (c)

The epithelium in the bronchioles is
(a) Pseudostratified and columnar
(b) Squamous and sensory
(c) Pseudostratified and sensory
(d) Cuboidal and columnar

Ans. (d)

The life span of human WBC is approximately
(a) Less than 10 days
(b) Between 20 to 30 days
(c) Between 2 to 3 months
(d) More than 4 months

Ans. (a)

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Collagen fibres of connective tissue are
(a) White
(b) Yellow
(c) Colourless
(d) Red

Ans. (a)

Glisson’s capsule is a delicate connective tissue capsule covering the
(a) Spleen
(b) Liver
(c) Kidney
(d) Gall bladder

Ans. (b)

Titan filament connects
(a) Actin filaments to Z-line
(b) Myosin filaments to Z-line
(c) Actin filaments to myosin filaments
(d) Myosin filaments to M-line

Ans. (b)

Healing process is helped by
(a) Heparin
(b) Histamine
(c) Serotonin
(d) None of the above

Ans. (d)

Mark the odd one
(a) Monocytes
(b) Lymphocyte
(c) Neutrophils
(d) Erythrocytes

Ans. (d)

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Myelin sheath is a layer covering
(a) A nerve fibre in an insect
(b) A chick embryo
(c) A muscle fibre in a vertebrate
(d) A nerve fibre in a vertebrate

Ans. (d)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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