Quiz on Nervous Tissue

Nervous Tissue MCQ:

Question: The junction between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next is called
(a) A joint
(b) A synapse
(c) Constant bridge
(d) Junction point

Ans. (b)

Question: The most appropriate definition of Neuroglial cells are that they are
(a) Nonsensory supporting cells
(b) Secretory cells
(c) Sensory cells
(d) Sensory and supporting cells

Ans. (a)

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Question: The brain develops from
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm
(d) Meso-endoderm

Ans. (a)

Question: A nerve impulse will travel through a nerve fibre only if the membrane suddenly becomes more permeable to
(a) Chloride ions
(b) Potassium ions
(c) Sodium ions
(d) Calcium ions

Ans. (c)

Question: Nerve fibres conduct impulses in
(a) One direction
(b) Two direction
(c) Multi direction
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

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Question: Cell bodies or cyton is found in
(a) Brain
(b) Spinal cord
(c) Brain and ganglia
(d) Brain, spinal cord and ganglia

Ans. (d)

Question: The function of nervous tissue is
(a) Irritability
(b) Sensibility
(c) Responsiveness
(d) Contraction

Ans. (a)

Question: Which of the following structures, are the speciality of nerve cells
(a) Nucleus and cytoplasm
(b) Axon and dendrites
(c) Vacuoles and fibres
(d) Synapse and ganglia

Ans. (b)

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Question: The afferent process of neuron is known as
(a) Axon
(b) Dendrite
(c) Cyton
(d) Neurofibrillae

Ans. (b)

Question: Nissl’s granules are characteristically found in
(a) Nephrons
(b) Neurons
(c) Cytons
(d) Dendrites

Ans. (c)

Question: Neuroglia cells differ from neurons in having
(a) No Nissl’s granules
(b) No radiating processes
(c) No cyton
(d) No nucleus

Ans. (a)

Question: The function of repairing in nervous tissue is done by
(a) Glial cells
(b) Nerve cells
(c) Cytons
(d) Only axons

Ans. (a)

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Question: Nerve fibre is different from the muscle fibre due to the presence of
(a) Myofibrils
(b) Lines
(c) Sarcolemma
(d) Dendrites

Ans. (d)

Question: Largest number of cell bodies of neuron in our body are found in
(a) Retina
(b) Spinal cord
(c) Brain
(d) Tongue

Ans. (c)

Question: Schwann cells and  Node of Ranvier are found in
(a) Nervous tissue
(b) Osteoblast
(c) Chondrioblast
(d) Gland cells

Ans. (a)

Question: Most of the neurons of our body are
(a) Unipolar
(b) Bipolar
(c) Pseudounipolar
(d) Multipolar

Ans. (d)

Question: Non-excitable cells, found among the neurons are called
(a) Dendrite
(b) Axon
(c) Schwann’s cells
(d) Nissl’s body

Ans. (c)

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Question: Myelin sheath is covering of
(a) Muscle cells
(b) Axon of neurons
(c) Blood vessels
(d) Oesteocytes

Ans. (b)

Question: Node of Ranvier is found in
(a) Right auricle
(b) Muscle bundles
(c) Dendrite
(d) Axon

Ans. (d)

Question: Velocity of impulse is greater in
(a) Thin nerve
(b) Thick nerve
(c) Does not depend on thickness
(d) Afferent nerve

Ans. (b)

Question: Longest cell in human body may be
(a) Nerve cell
(b) Leg muscle cell
(c) Bone cell
(d) Heart muscle cell

Ans. (a)

Question: Axons form nerve in
(a) Autonomic nervous system
(b) Central nervous system
(c) Peripheral nervous system
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

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Question: Nerve cell originated from embryonic
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Mesoderm
(c) Both of these
(d) Endoderm

Ans. (a)

Question: To start conduction of impulse, the value of action potential must not be
(a) Less than threshold value
(b) More than threshold value
(c) Equal to threshold value
(d) All of the above

Ans. (a)

About the author


Meet Sapna Gandhi, a passionate biology teacher and writer, she has been teaching biology to high school students for over a decade.

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