Instruction for Active and Passive voice Worksheet: Use appropriate word(s) from given options to make a meaningful passive voice sentence.
Let the “Bible” be __ by Christians.
(a) read
(b) readed
(c) reads
(d) reading
The police arrested him.
(a) He is arrested by the police
(b) He arrested the police
(c) He was arrested by the police
English __ all over the world.
(a) was spoken
(b) is spoken
(c) is speaking
(d) speaks
My pen has __
(a) stolen
(b) been stolen
(c) been stole
(d) stole
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The cricket match was ___ by Sports Channel yesterday.
(a) broadcast
(b) telecasted
(c) broadcasted
(d) telecast
The emergency period in the country ___ by Government is 2020.
(a) was declared
(b) declared
(c) is declared
My purse __.
(a) has stolen
(b) will be stealing
(c) has been stolen
(d) will steal
The enemy have defeated our army
(a) Our army has been defeated by the enemy
(b) Our army, had been defeated by the enemy
(c) Our army have been defeated the enemy
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He kept me waiting.
(a) I am kept waiting by him
(b) I will be kept waiting by him
(c) I was kept waiting, by him
(d) I kept waiting by him
Jesus __ by milions of Christians.
(a) admired
(b) was admired
(c) is admired
They will do it
(a) It shall be done by them
(b) It will be done by them
(c) It will done
(d) It is done by them
We expect good news.
(a) Good news is expected
(b) Good news are being expected
(c) Good news are expected
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She was singing songs.
(a) Songs was sung by her
(b) Songs were being sung by her
(c) Songs was being sung by her
We prohibit smoking.
(a) Smoking prohibited by us
(b) Smoking is prohibited by us
(c) Smoking is prohibited by us
He will complete the course
(a) The course will be completed by him
(b) The course will be completing next year by him
People will forget it
(a) It will be forgotten
(b) It will forget
(c) It shall be forgotten
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All his friends laughed at him
(a) He has been laughed at
(b) He is laughed at
(c) He was laughed at
Directions (for next 2 questions): Choose the correct passive voice of the sentence at the question place.
I remember my father taking me to the zoo
(a) I remember taken to the zoo by my father
(b) I remember being taken to the zoo by my father
(c) I remembered my father taking me to the zoo
Have you shut the door?
(a) Has the door been shut by you?
(b) Have the door been shut by you?
(c) Has the door been shut?
(d) Have the door being shut by you?
It’s a good challenge to me but I solve this paper easily the paper was very easy…..