One word Substitution online Quiz

One Word Substitution Test

What we call a person who is extremely desirous of money?
(a) Unsuccessful
(b) Gloomy
(c) Vulnerable
(d) Avaricious

Ans. (d)

That which can’t be corrected is called?
(a) Ineligible
(b) Ineluctable
(c) Insortable
(d) Incorrigible

Ans. (d)

What is Antonym?
(a) person who looks after his people
(b) animals capable of living in water
(c) a word opposite in meaning to another
(d) a word same in meaning to another

Ans. (c)

The state of being without wife
(a) saint
(b) bigot
(c) celibacy
(d) bigamy

Ans. (c)

The motive to earn money
(a) merchant
(b) mercenary
(c) matinee
(d) materialistic

Ans. (b)

A well experienced person.
(a) Intelligent
(b) Veteran
(c) Old man
(d) wise man

Ans. (b)

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An accident which results in death
(a) Injurious
(b) Dangerous
(c) Fatal
(d) Terrible

Ans. (c)

What is the meaning of the word ”furrow”?
(a) Narrow trench
(b) Germinating
(c) Covered in hair
(d) Angry

Ans. (a)

Don means:
(a) to rule
(b) to put on
(c) to remove
(d) to give

Ans. (b)

One who believes easily is ____
(a) sedulous
(b) credible
(c) assiduous
(d) credulous

Ans. (d)

Effeminate is ___
(a) a man showing feminine attributes
(b) a person who rides on horse-back
(c) a person who believes in fate
(d) that which cannot be noticed

Ans. (a)

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Define Amnesty:
(a) sound that cannot be heard
(b) incapable of getting tired
(c) government pardon for political offenders
(d) assembly of hearers at a lecture

Ans. (c)

Animals live in water are called
(a) Idolatry
(b) Indefatigable
(c) Convalescent
(d) Aquatic

Ans. (d)

A speech made for first time is ____
(a) simultaneous
(b) drawn
(c) extempore
(d) maiden

Ans. (d)

What is called “Honorary Post”?
(a) a post held without duty and salary
(b) a post incapable of being seized by attack
(c) a post held by government officials
(d) a post that leads to death

Ans. (a)

Bona Fide means:
(a) Genuine
(b) Friendly
(c) Hopeful
(d) Dishonest

Ans. (a)

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Persona Non Grata means a person who is:
(a) Popular
(b) Grateful
(c) Proud
(d) Unacceptable

Ans. (d)

A medicine to counteract the effect of something unpleasant is ___
(a) Antidote
(b) Amnesty
(c) Fastidious
(d) Fratricide

Ans. (a)

(a) The one who commits crime
(b) The one who attempts suicide
(c) The one who suffers
(d) Offender

Ans. (d)

What is an “aviary”?
(a) which cannot be cured
(b) place where birds are kept
(c) date before the true time
(d) government by officials

Ans. (b)

What is Incorrigible?
(a) incapable of getting tired
(b) a person who is above hundred years
(c) government by the nobles
(d) something that cannot be corrected

Ans. (d)

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Person who lives in a rented appartment is called a __
(a) Avaricious
(b) Ambidextrous
(c) Tenant
(d) Idolatry

Ans. (c)

What is an “Illiterate person”?
(a) a person who cannot be cured
(b) a person who sells fish
(c) a person who makes wheels
(d) a person who cannot read or write

Ans. (d)

Ad Infinitum means something that is happening:
(a) Hopelessly
(b) Doubtfully
(c) Endlessly
(d) Secretly

Ans. (c)

What is “which cannot be believed”?
(a) Convalescent
(b) Incredible
(c) Atheist
(d) Atheist

Ans. (b)

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What is a “fastidious person”?
(a) person who writes pamphlets
(b) incapable of being seized
(c) a person who cannot be pleased easily
(d) who does not bear the name

Ans. (c)

A person who writes movie is called a
(a) wheelwrighter
(b) Cosmopolitan
(c) Brittle
(d) Scriptwriter

Ans. (d)

Rue means:
(a) to weep
(b) to resent
(c) to become homesick
(d) to regret

Ans. (d)

A person who spreads rumors is called a __
(a) spinster
(b) fish-monger
(c) rumor-monger
(d) pamphleteer

Ans. (c)

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What we call something which is “against the law”?
(a) Illegal
(b) Herbivorous
(c) Fratricide
(d) Incurable

Ans. (a)

One who does not believe God is __
(a) ambidextrous
(b) atheist
(c) spinster
(d) spinster

Ans. (b)

A person who can use both hands equally well called ___
(a) Equestrian
(b) Gregarious
(c) Ambidextrous
(d) Credulous

Ans. (c)

Liable to be called to account?
(a) Accountable
(b) Animate
(c) Fratricide
(d) Incurable

Ans. (a)

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That which cannot be put into practice is __
(a) Incorrigible
(b) Convalescent
(c) playwrighter
(d) Impracticable

Ans. (d)

The place where records are kept is called —
(a) Coffer
(b) Pantry
(c) Archives
(d) Scullery

Ans. (c)

A place where monks live is called a __
(a) monastery
(b) Inanimate
(c) Gratis
(d) Cosmopolitan

Ans. (a)

List of issues to be discussed at a meeting —
(a) Time table
(b) Plan
(c) Schedule
(d) Agenda

Ans. (c)

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Antedate is
(a) date before the true time
(b) date before the true time
(c) recovering from illness
(d) which cannot be noticed

Ans. (b)

What is autocracy in simple words?
(a) an absolute government by one man
(b) a citizen of the world
(c) a person extremely desirous of money
(d) a list of names

Ans. (a)

A person who believes in fate or destiny is a ___
(a) Fatalist
(b) Idolatry
(c) Spinster
(d) Aristocracy

Ans. (a)

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Absence of government is called
(a) Fatalist
(b) Inanimate
(c) Anarchy
(d) Convalescent

Ans. (c)

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I always look for new topics to write about which not only help people to understand something new but to write its best version to make everyone happy.

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