Intellectual Property Rights Questions

Practice Multiple choice Questions on Patents, Trademarks, infringement, copyright, designs, brands and other aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

Which of the following is covered under IPR ?
(a) Patents
(b) Copyrights
(c) All of these
(d) Trademarks

Ans. (c)

What is a patent?
(a) Exclusive rights granted to an inventor to protect their invention
(b) Permission to manufacture and sell a product without restrictions
(c) A contract between two parties for the use of intellectual property
(d) A government subsidy for research and development projects

Answer. (a)

On a school computer, Jamie learned how to copy programs. A classmate asked her to copy a program for his home use. Her most ethical response would be which of the following?
(a) I’ll copy it, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.
(b) I don’t know how to copy disks.
(c) I can’t copy it because it would break copyright laws.
(d) I’ll copy it for you, but you can’t copy it for anyone else.

Ans. (c)

Can a lecture delivered by an academician be reported in a newspaper?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Yes with permission

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is not the infringement of copyright?
(a) Copy the software to another computer by an educational institution
(b) Copy the software to another computer by a company
(c) Copy the software to another computer
(d) To make backup copies

Ans. (d)

Patents can be granted for ………?
(a) process
(b) ideas
(c) both product and process
(d) product

Ans. (c)

The government may order the non-advertisement of any patent application in the case of an invention related to __
(a) Information technology
(b) Food
(c) Drug
(d) Defense technology

Ans. (d)

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If the owner of a copyrighted work __ the copyright board will grant a compulsory license.
(a) Refused to assign copyright to another person
(b) Refused to republish
(c) Refused to pay tax to the government

Ans. (b)

Assignments can be made even in respect of work which …
(a) Prepared but not published
(b) Has not yet come into existence
(c) Is published

Ans. (b)

The Patent Act passed by …
(a) State Government
(b) Central / Federal Government

Ans. (b)

International copyright is governed by the __
(a) Paris Convention
(c) Berne Convention
(d) WTO

Ans. (c)

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Can lecture delivered in the classroom be copyrighted ?
(a) Yes
(b) Occasionally with conditions
(c) No

Ans. (a)

A patent for the __ is prohibited.
(a) Traditional knowledge
(b) Arms
(c) Atomic energy
(d) Junk food

Ans. (c)

The jurisdiction of the registrar of a trademark for the purpose of application of a trademark is decided on __
(a) Place of residence
(b) Principal place of business
(c) As per the registrar will
(d) As per applicants will

Ans. (b)

What is the primary role of the USPTO?
(a) Enforcing intellectual property laws
(b) Promoting international trade agreements
(c) Granting patents and registering trademarks
(d) Reviewing mergers and acquisitions

Answer. (c)

A design can also be registered under __
(a) Trademark Act
(b) Patent Act
(c) Geographical Indication Act
(d) Copyright Act

Ans. (d)

How long is the typical duration of a patent?
(a) 5 years
(b) 15 years
(c) 20 years
(d) Lifetime

Answer. (c)

The IPR Complete specification gives __
(a) Full description of claim only
(b) Full description of royalty
(c) Full description of invention
(d) Full description of application

Ans. (c)

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Use of a patented invention by a person other than a patentee constitutes __
(a) Infringement of patent rights of patentee
(b) Anticipation
(c) Advertisement of patent
(d) Co-Operation with patentee

Ans. (a)

The patent case Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. centered around the patentability of which naturally occurring entities?
(a) Human genes
(b) Rocks and minerals
(c) Animal species
(d) Microorganisms

Answer. (a)

Copyright is granted for ………
(a) Original trademark
(b) Original research product
(c) Original musical work
(d) Original ideas

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is the right conferred on the patentee ?
(a) Right to exploit patent
(b) Right to expand patents
(c) Right not to work out patent
(d) Right to oppose compulsory licence

Ans. (a)

Adaptation in relation to an artistic work means …
(a) Conversion of the work into a patent
(b) Conversion of the work into a trademark
(c) Conversion of the work into a design
(d) Conversion of the work into a dramatic work by way of performance in public or otherwise

Ans. (d)

The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property was signed in:
(a) 1867
(b) 1883
(c) 1901
(d) 1925

Answer. (b)

Registration of the trademark is a __ evidence of the validity of the trademark in all legal proceedings.
(a) No
(b) Secondary
(c) Conclusive
(d) Prima facie

Ans. (d)

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What can be copyrighted in law reports for judgments and orders of the court?
(a) Head notes
(b) What reports as a whole

Ans. (a)

Which region is generally considered to have the least developed patent systems?
(a) Europe
(b) North America
(c) Sub-Saharan Africa
(d) East Asia

Answer. (c)

In the case of infringement of a patent, the court may award ……….
(a) Damages or amount of profits
(b) Account of profits with mental agony
(c) Damages and account of profits
(d) Damages with mental agony

Ans. (c)

Remix of old songs with different music composition (remix) is …
(a) Infringement in some cases
(b) Not infringement of copyright
(c) Infringement of copyright
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

A provisional specification is filed to fix the __
(a) Expiry date of patent
(b) Assignment of patent
(c) Term of the patent
(d) Priority date of patent

Ans. (d)

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The …………….. is granted in the case of substances which are not food items or drugs as such, but are capable of being used as food and drugs.
(a) Conditional license
(b) Licenses of marketing
(c) Licenses of rights
(d) Compulsory license

Ans. (c)

__ is the first owner of a book’s copyright.
(a) Author
(b) Publisher
(c) Translator
(d) Printing press owner

Ans. (a)

Which of the following is a requirement for obtaining a patent?
(a) Public disclosure of the invention
(b) Payment of annual fees
(c) Copyright registration
(d) Novelty and non-obviousness of the invention

Answer. (d)

A mark which is devoid of distinctness is ……
(a) Not register-able
(b) Register-able under patent act
(c) Register-able under copyright act
(d) Register-able

Ans. (a)

The first obligation of the patent holder is he __
(a) Can deal with patents as per his will
(b) Can use the patent
(c) Has to advertise the patent in the daily newspaper
(d) Must work out the patent

Ans. (d)

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Can an assignee sue an assignor for infringement of copyright?
(a) No
(b) Yes

Ans. (b)

Where is the headquarters of the USPTO located?
(a) San Francisco, California
(b) Chicago, Illinois
(c) New York City, New York
(d) Alexandria, Virginia

Answer. (d)

Can court decisions or court orders be copyrighted ?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Occasionally

Ans. (a)

The assignment and licenses for the copyright can be registered with __
(a) Registrar of Copyright
(b) Controller of Copyright

Ans. (a)

Which of the following cannot be pleaded in infringement of a trademark?
(a) Intentional infringement
(b) Innocent infringement

Ans. (b)

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The patent case eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC established the criteria for granting which remedy in patent infringement cases?
(a) Injunctions
(b) Monetary damages
(c) Licensing agreements
(d) Product recalls

Answer. (a)

Copyright is a __
(a) creation by a person of efforts, intellectual and capital
(b) creation by person of the efforts only
(c) creation by negligence of a person
(d) creation of the mental status of a person

Ans. (a)

Who has to apply before registering to be a registered user of a trademark ?
(a) Those who are the proprietors of a trademark
(b) Proprietor of a trademark and the other person who wants to be a registered user hast to jointly apply.
(c) Those who want to be a registered user

Ans. (b)

The first known patent law dates back to:
(a) Ancient Rome
(b) Ancient Greece
(c) Medieval Europe
(d) Renaissance Italy

Answer. (a)

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Which of the following is not patent-able?
(a) which involves inventive steps
(b) A product which is used for the medical treatment of human beings & animals
(c) Process of medical treatment of human beings & animals
(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

Can genuine abridgment of a literary work be a subject of copyright ?
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Occasionally

Ans. (b)

In the case of copyright, the compulsory license will be granted by __
(a) Court
(b) State Government
(c) Copyright Board

Ans. (c)

Which country is known for not having a formal patent system?
(a) United States
(b) United Kingdom
(c) Argentina
(d) Somalia

Answer. (d)

Whose grant is required before altering anything in the original book ?
(a) Writer
(b) Owner

Ans. (a)

In the case of infringement of patent rights, patentee can institute ……………. in competent court.
(a) Criminal complaint
(b) both civil suit and criminal complaint
(c) Civil suit

Ans. (c)

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The copyright registrars and copyright board are __ authority.
(a) Non-Judicial
(b) Administrative
(c) Judicial
(d) Quasi Judicial

Ans. (d)

Which federal agency in the United States is responsible for granting patents and registering trademarks?
(a) Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
(b) United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
(c) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
(d) Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Answer. (b)

The registered user can institute proceedings for infringement in his own name against …
(a) Proprietor of trademark
(b) Both a third party and proprietor of a trademark
(c) Third party

Ans. (c)

Which of the following can not be copyrighted ?
(a) Artistic work
(b) Practical use
(c) Film work
(d) Musical work

Ans. (b)

The first patent law in the United States was enacted in:
(a) 1787
(b) 1790
(c) 1802
(d) 1836

Answer. (b)

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The process for obtaining a product which is different and new from the previous one can be __
(a) Patented
(b) Registered under a trademark act
(c) Registered under the design act
(d) Copyrighted

Ans. (a)

Which of the following must be there for patent-able invention?
(a) Newness
(b) Obvious
(c) Patented
(d) Resemblance

Ans. (a)

What is the primary purpose of a patent?
(a) To prevent others from using or selling a specific invention.
(b) To disclose technical information to the public.
(c) To enforce fair competition among inventors.
(d) To provide funding for research and development projects.

Answer. (a)

The mark granted by the authority granting the certificate of quality and standard is called ………
(a) Service Mark
(b) Additional Trademark
(c) Quality Mark
(d) Certification Mark

Ans. (d)

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Only the process patents granted in case of ……..
(a) Food
(b) Process of treatment of human beings & animals
(c) Both drugs and food
(d) Drug

Ans. (d)

The patent case Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International dealt with the issue of patent eligibility for which type of invention?
(a) Biotechnology
(b) Computer software
(c) Mechanical devices
(d) Chemical compounds

Answer. (b)

The copyright Act firstly introduced in which year and in which country ?
(a) 1852 – America
(b) 1705 – India
(c) 1857 – Germany
(d) 1709 – England

Ans. (d)

Which organization is responsible for granting patents in Europe?
(a) WIPO
(c) EPO
(d) JPO

Answer. (c)

Assignment of a patent means transfer of __ in the patent by the patent holder in favour of another.
(a) Title
(b) Ideas
(c) Interest
(d) Goods

Ans. (c)

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The mark which is registered in the name of an association is called …
(a) Simple Trademark
(b) Associated Trademark
(c) Collective Mark
(d) Service Mark

Ans. (c)

Who is the true and first inventor ?
(a) who converts the ideas into a working invention
(b) who publish their ideas first in the journals
(c) who communicates an idea to others first
(d) who communicates ideas to the registrar of the patent

Ans. (b)

Which country is notable for its lack of a comprehensive patent law?
(a) Germany
(b) Canada
(c) Brazil
(d) Cuba

Answer. (d)

An unregistered trademark is called __
(a) Trade Symbol
(b) Symbol
(c) Common Law Mark
(d) Registered Trade Mark

Ans. (c)

Why is patents granted ?
(a) To encourage inventors
(b) To encourage labour
(c) To develop a country
(d) To encourage investors

Ans. (a)

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Which of the following is the absolute ground for refusal of registration of a trademark?
(a) Distinctiveness
(b) Collective marks
(c) Mark has become customary in our current language
(d) Non obvious mark

Ans. (c)

In the landmark patent case Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the design patent infringement was related to which of the following?
(a) Software algorithms
(b) Smartphone features
(c) Industrial machinery
(d) Pharmaceutical drugs

Answer. (b)

The employee can not apply for a patent if he is specifically employed for __
(a) Management
(b) Clerical work
(c) Surveillance of research
(d) Research and development

Ans. (c)

Proprietor of which trademark shall not be entitled to institute any proceeding to prevent or to recover damages for the infringement ?
(a) Registered Trademark
(b) Numerals
(c) Symbols
(d) Unregistered Trademark

Ans. (d)

Complaints regarding trademarks are treated in __
(a) Arbitration Through
(b) Civil Court
(c) Criminal Complaint

Ans. (c)

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Who can sue for infringement of a trademark?
(a) Unregistered trademark owner
(b) State Govt. on behalf of the owner
(c) Registered trademark owner only
(d) Central Govt. on behalf of the owner

Ans. (c)

Trademarks identify __
(a) Consumer and its origin
(b) Registrar and controller
(c) Product and its origin
(d) Product and consumer

Ans. (c)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was established in:
(a) 1965
(b) 1970
(c) 1974
(d) 1980

Answer. (c)

The registered user joins the registered proprietor of a trademark as …………… in the suit against the infringement against a third party.
(a) Appellant
(b) Caviater
(c) Plaintiff
(d) Defendant

Ans. (d)

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Application for an patent by employees can be determined by ………….
(a) Social relationship
(b) Personal relationship
(c) Contractual relationship
(d) Fiduciary relationship

Ans. (c)

The remedy available for the protection of a registered trademark is ………..
(a) Criminal Proceeding
(b) Civil Remedy
(c) Administrative Remedies
(d) All of these

Ans. (d)

The act / law regarding patents, trademarks and copyrights is known as ….
(a) Intellectual Property Act
(b) Licence Act
(c) Trademark Act
(d) Contract Act

Ans. (a)

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The purpose of filing a specification is to make available the invention to __
(a) Registrar
(b) None of these
(c) Government
(d) Public

Ans. (d)

In a patent application, the novelty of an invention is tested with reference to the existing state of knowledge on __
(a) Date of priority
(b) Date of application
(c) Date of expiry of patent
(d) Date of filling complete specification

Ans. (a)

Registration of trademark is made for __
(a) 3 years
(b) Life time
(c) 5 years
(d) 10 Years

Ans. (d)

The main essentials of a trademark are __
(a) Easy to pronounce
(b) Invented word
(c) Distinctiveness
(d) It should be short

Ans. (c)

A complete specification once filed is __
(a) Contract
(b) Not absolute
(c) Absolute
(d) Indemnity

Ans. (b)

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IPR stands for?
(a) Intellectual Property right
(b) International Property right
(c) International Property Reserve
(d) Intelligent Property Ratio

Ans. (a)

While comparing two marks, which examination is not permissible?
(a) Physical examination
(b) Examination as a whole
(c) Microscopic examination
(d) Packaging examination

Ans. (c)

From the following which right is enjoyed by the patent holder.
(a) Use of patent
(b) Sale of patent
(c) All of these
(d) To put patent as security

Ans. (a)

About the author


Jaspreet (Masters in Commerce-LLB) not only have exceptional command of Accounts and Commerce subjects but also have keen interest in Law. He is consistent in producing high quality assignments.


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