Multiple Choice Quiz on Jainism

Jainism Quiz:

In Jainism, ‘perfect knowledge’ is referred to as
(a) Jina
(b) Ratna
(c) Kaivalya
(d) Nirvana

Ans. (c)

The Jain philosophy holds that the world is ‘created and maintained by’
(a) Universal Law
(b) Universal Truth
(c) Universal Faith
(d) Universal Soul

Ans. (a)

The founder of Jainism was
(a) Rishbha
(b) Neminath
(c) Parsvanatha
(d) Vardhaman Mahavira

Ans. (c)

At the time of Lord Mahavira’s death, he was at
(a) Saravana Belagola
(b) Lumbini Garden
(c) Kalugumalai
(d) Pavapuri

Ans. (d)

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The ‘Three Jewels’ (Triratnas) of Jainism are
(a) right faith or intentions, right knowledge and right conduct
(b) right action, right livelihood and right effort
(c) right thoughts, non-violence and non-attachment
(d) right speech, right thinking and right behaviour

Ans. (a)

Mahavira’s first disciple was
(a) Bhadrabahu
(b) Sthulabhadra
(c) Charvaka
(d) Jamali

Ans. (d)

Lord Mahavir died at the age of
(a) 58 years
(b) 64 years
(c) 72 years
(d) 82 years

Ans. (c)

The Jain literature is known as
(a) Tripitakas
(b) Epics
(c) Aryasutras
(d) Angas

Ans. (d)

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The caves and rock cut temples at Ellora pertain to
(a) Hinduism
(b) Buddhism
(c) Jainism
(d) All of the these

Ans. (d)

Of the five vows (Panch Anuvratas) of Jainism, four existed before Mahavira. The one which he added was
(a) not to kill (non-injury)
(b) not to steal
(c) non-attachment to worldly things
(d) celibacy

Ans. (d)

The Khajuraho group of monuments in Madhya Pradesh consists of temples of which religion/religions
(a) Hindu only
(b) Jain only
(c) Both Hindu and Jain
(d) Sikh

Ans. (c)

The mother of Mahavira was __
(a) Trishla
(b) Anojja
(c) Chetaka
(d) Devanandi

Ans. (a)

In Rajasthan, Mount Abu, famous for Jain temples, is known for—
(a) Abu temple
(b) Ranakpura temple
(c) Dilwara temple
(d) Marble temple

Ans. (c)

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The Dilwara temple in Mount Abu in Rajasthan is dedicated to whom
(a) Jain Tirthankaras
(b) Hindu Gods
(c) Solanki rulars
(d) Buddhist monks

Ans. (a)

The religious movements of Buddhism and Jainism were led by
(a) Sudras
(b) Kshatriya Princes
(c) Vaisyas
(d) Brahmins

Ans. (b)

As per Jain faith one who attains Nirvana is called _
(a) Digambaras
(b) Svetambaras
(c) Nigrantha
(d) Arhant

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is known as the Jain Temple City?
(a) Girnar
(b) Allahabad
(c) Rajagriha
(d) Varanasi

Ans. (a)

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Who was the first Tirthankara of the Jains?
(a) Aristhenemi
(b) Farshwnath
(c) Ajitnath
(d) Rishabhdev

Ans. (d)

Mahavira was
(a) the 20th Tirthankara
(b) the 21st Tirthankara
(c) the 23rd Tirthankara
(d) the 24th Tirthankara

Ans. (d)

Lord Mahavira was born at
(a) Lumbini
(b) Kushinagar
(c) Sarnath
(d) Kundagram

Ans. (d)

Vardhamana Mahavira died at
(a) Pavapuri
(b) Kundagrama
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Taxila

Ans. (a)

Hieun Tsang saw Jainism developing in
(a) Odisha
(b) Kashmir
(c) Bengal
(d) Bihar

Ans. (d)

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‘Mahavira Jaina’ breathed his last at
(a) Rajgir
(b) Ranchi
(c) Pawapuri
(d) Samasttpur

Ans. (c)

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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