Plato, Aristotle multiple choice Quiz

Quiz on thoughts, ideas, theories, and philosophy of great Greek Philosophers Plato and Aristotle.

Plato lived during
(a) 5th and 4th century BC
(b) 4th and 3rd century BC
(c) 3rd and 2nd century BC
(d) 4th and 5th century AD

Ans. (a)

The Academy instituted by Aristotle was called
(a) The Academy
(b) Lyceum
(c) Ecclesia

Ans. (b)

Plato was a disciple of
(a) Aristotle
(b) Polybius
(c) Cicero
(d) Socrates

Ans. (d)

Which one of the following is Plato’s work?
(a) The Lyceum
(b) The Prince
(c) The Republic

Ans. (c)

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Following is a fundamental idea of Plato
(a) Theory of Education
(b) The Ideal Man
(c) Theory of Justice
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

According to Aristotle, the State is
(a) Product of selfishness of man
(b) A convenience
(c) Organic
(d) Inorganic

Ans. (c)

According to the Philosophy of Plato, the fundamental character of Philosopher is
(a) Wisdom
(b) Courage
(c) Appetite

Ans. (a)

The basic character of Soldiers, according to Plato, is
(a) Wisdom
(b) Courage
(c) Appetite

Ans. (b)

In a Master-Slave relationship, according to Aristotle, the Slave is
(a) Not at all benefitted
(b) Benefitted
(c) Selling his work to his Master

Ans. (b)

According to Plato, the objective of the State is
(a) Good Life
(b) Good Administration
(c) Good Philosophy
(d) Good Economy

Ans. (a)

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The platonic system of education is
(a) Systematic and Progressive
(b) Systematic but not Progressive
(c) Progressive but not Systematic
(d) Neither Systematic nor Progressive

Ans. (a)

According to Aristotle, the three normal forms of Government are
(a) Kingship, Aristocracy and Polity
(b) Kingship, Aristocracy and Democracy
(c) Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy

Ans. (a)

According to Plato’s scheme of Education, Gymnastics is good for the
(a) Body
(b) Mind
(c) Spirit

Ans. (a)

According to Plato, the following classes should live in barracks
(a) Philosophers and slaves
(b) Masters and Slaves
(c) Philosophers and Soldiers

Ans. (c)

Plato’s ‘Republic’ contains his ideas about
(a) Justice
(b) Theory of State
(c) Theory of Education
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

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According to Plato’s Communism
(a) Only the Upper Class can have Property
(b) Only the Lower Classes can have Property
(c) Both the Upper Class and Lower Class can have Property
(d) Neither the Upper Class nor the Lower class can have Property

Ans. (b)

According to Aristotle, which one of the following is the best form of Government?
(a) Kingship
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Polity
(d) Democracy

Ans. (a)

According to Plato, the Reason for not giving private Property to all classes is because
(a) Private Property is not good for people
(b) Private Property will lead to personal ambitions
(c) Economic and political power in the same hands is not for the State
(d) Both (b) and (c) above

Ans. (d)

According to Aristotle, Slavery is good for the Slave because
(a) He gets a constant supply of food
(b) The Master protects the Slave
(c) The Master does not kill the Slave
(d) He gets Virtue in a secondhand manner

Ans. (d)

Plato’s Philosopher King is
(a) A Philosopher who is like a King
(b) A King who is like a Philosopher

Ans. (a)

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The most prominent characteristic of Plato’s State is
(a) There is a specialization of functions
(b) There is no specialization of functions
(c) There is decentralization of functions
(d) There is no decentralization of functions

Ans. (a)

In Plato’s State, the element of Reason is present in
(a) Philosophers
(b) Soldiers
(c) Workers
(d) Common Men

Ans. (a)

According to Aristotle, the function of the State is
(a) Good administration
(b) Economic Goodness
(c) Moral perfection of the individual

Ans. (c)

In Plato’s State, the element of Spirit is present in
(a) Philosophers
(b) Soldiers
(c) Workers

Ans. (b)

In Plato’s State, the element of Appetite is present in
(a) Philosophers
(b) Soldiers
(c) Workers
(d) Priests

Ans. (c)

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According to the Platonic System of Education, education for the Philosopher King is
(a) Till the age of 35
(b) Till the age of 55
(c) Life-Long

Ans. (c)

According to Aristotle, Kingship might degenerate into
(a) Tyranny
(b) Oligarchy
(c) Democracy

Ans. (a)

Plato’s system of Communism is meant only for
(a) Philosophers and Soldiers
(b) Soldiers and Workers
(c) Philosophers, Soldiers and Workers
(d) Philosophers and Workers

Ans. (a)

According to Aristotle, the best method to prevent Revolution is to
(a) Develop the Spirit of obedience to law
(b) Observe small changes in the constitution
(c) Prevent concentration of too much power in too few hands
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

According to Plato, Justice at the individual level means
(a) Selecting the true vocation in life
(b) Abiding by the Philosopher
(c) Having the right kind of education at the right age
(d) A service in the Military at the right time

Ans. (a)

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According to Plato, Justice has
(a) Only Individual Dimension
(b) only Societal Dimension
(c) Both Individual and societal dimensions

Ans. (c)

According to Aristotle, he formed when a Family cannot meet all of Man’s needs.
(a) The Village
(b) The State
(c) The Commune

Ans. (a)

Plato instituted
(a) The Academy
(b) The University of Athens
(c) Lyceum
(d) Coliseum

Ans. (a)

Plato was
(a) A Political Thinker
(b) A Political Philosopher
(c) A Mathematician
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

According to Aristotle, the following is the highest form of Community
(a) The Family
(b) The Village
(c) The Commune
(d) The State

Ans. (d)

According to Plato, the following are the three elements of man
(a) Reason, Spirit, Appetite
(b) Reason, Justice, Equality
(c) Justice, Liberty, Equality
(d) Reason, Spirit, Justice

Ans. (a)

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According to Aristotle, the particular quality of a Master is
(a) Physical strength
(b) Intellectual Strength
(c) Both Physical strength and intellectual strength

Ans. (b)

In Plato’s State, the economic motive is satisfied by
(a) Philosophers
(b) Soldiers
(c) Workers

Ans. (c)

In Plato’s State, the Government is run by
(a) Philosophers
(b) Soldiers
(c) Workers
(d) Constitution

Ans. (a)

According to Aristotle, a Master can use the Slave
(a) To make money and power
(b) To protect himself
(c) For leisure

Ans. (c)

According to Plato
(a) The State is Justice, Liberty and Equality Writ Large
(b) The State is Society Writ Large
(c) The State is Philosopher Writ Large
(d) The State is Individual Writ Large

Ans. (d)

Plato advocated
(a) Equal Status for Men and Women
(b) Higher Status for Men
(c) Higher Status for Women

Ans. (a)

According to Aristotle, the Constitution
(a) Determines the arrangement of the offices of the State
(b) Determines who holds the offices
(c) Is not just the part of the State but the State itself
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

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According to the Platonic system of education, Higher Education starts at the age of
(a) 18
(b) 20
(c) 25
(d) 35

Ans. (b)

According to Plato’s scheme of Education, Higher Education consists of the study of
(a) Music and Gymnastics
(b) Logic, Mathematics, Geometry, Astronomy
(c) Military and diplomatic Training

Ans. (b)

According to Aristotle, the cause of the Revolution is
(a) Man’s desire for equality and love for gain and honor
(b) Undue importance of some individuals in public life
(c) Carelessness in granting office and neglect of changes
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

According to the Platonic scheme of education, Music is good for
(a) Body
(b) Soul

Ans. (b)

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The platonic concept of Justice at the societal level means a division of society into
(a) Philosophers, Soldiers and Workers
(b) Philosophers and Soldiers
(c) Rich and the poor
(d) Rulers and the ruled

Ans. (a)

About the author


Kanchan is a Senior Professor, teaching since 1998 to college students. Her quizzes are a valuable resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in keeping up with the important topics like sociology, psychology, ethics, and migration studies in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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