Project Management Quiz

Project Management Questions and Answers:

Activities that can be accomplished simultaneously are called __ activities.
(a) critical
(b) preceding
(c) succeeding
(d) concurrent

Ans. (d)

__ is the earliest time an activity can begin
(a) EFT
(b) LST
(c) LFT
(d) EST

Ans. (d)

A Project is not acceptable for finance if its
(a) BEP is high
(b) IRR is higher than the cost of capital
(c) NAP is positive
(d) NPV is negative Correct

Ans. (d)

Factory cost does not include
(a) Indirect manufacturing cost
(b) Burden
(c) Factory overheads
(d) Office overheads

Ans. (d)

The sum of earliest start time and estimated time to perform the project is called __
(a) EFT
(b) LST
(c) LFT
(d) EST

Ans. (a)

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The latest possible time an activity can finish without delaying the project is called __
(a) EFT
(b) LST
(c) LFT
(d) EST

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is not a trait of decentralization?
(a) Subordinate become liable for the work
(b) It is an end result of a deliberate policy of delegation of authority to the lowest managerial level
(c) It is more suitable to small organizations rather than large organizations
(d) It creates autonomous and self-sufficient units

Ans. (c)

Difference between latest finish time and estimated time to perform the project is called __
(a) EFT
(b) LST
(c) LFT
(d) EST

Ans. (b)

__ study is a systematic method adopted to find out the possibility and practicability of starting a project.
(a) profitability
(b) liquidity
(c) feasibility
(d) viability

Ans. (c)

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Which of the following is not a phase in the project life cycle:
(a) Pre- investment phase
(b) Construction phase
(c) Normalization phase
(d) Growth phase

Ans. (d)

An economic region of production consists of:
(a) the positively sloped segments of all isoquants
(b) the negatively sloped segments of all isoquants
(c) the middle of isoquants
(d) the highest points of all isoquants

Ans. (c)

Which of the following is a technique of project identification:
(a) Desk research
(b) Sensitivity analysis
(c) CVP analysis
(d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Maximum possible time to complete an activity is __
(a) pessimistic time
(b) optimistic time
(c) most likely time
(d) none of these

Ans. (a)

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Estimated time required in normal conditions complete an activity is __
(a) pessimistic time
(b) optimistic time
(c) most likely time
(d) none of these

Ans. (c)

__ is a network technique of scheduling and controlling the project where activity times cannot be precisely estimated.
(a) PERT
(b) CPM
(c) BEP
(d) SWOT

Ans. (a)

Ques. __ represents the activities and events of a project in a logical sequence.
(a) network diagram
(b) project graph
(c) arrow diagram
(d) all of these

Ans. (a)

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The element of job to be completed in a specific time is known as __
(a) event
(b) activity
(c) network
(d) slack

Ans. (b)

__ represents the start and end of an activity.
(a) event
(b) activity
(c) network
(d) slack

Ans. (a)

__ is the unbroken chain of activities from start event to end event in the network diagram
(a) slack
(b) activity
(c) network
(d) path

Ans. (d)

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Projects for industrial development is an __ project.
(a) quantifiable
(b) non-quantifiable
(c) sectoral
(d) crash

Ans. (a)

Additional capital cost are incurred in __ projects to save time.
(a) quantifiable
(b) non-quantifiable
(c) sectoral
(d) crash

Ans. (d)

Large scale projects are an example of __ project
(a) quantifiable
(b) magnitude oriented
(c) sectoral
(d) crash

Ans. (b)

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Activities lying on the critical path are known as __ activities.
(a) critical
(b) preceding
(c) succeeding
(d) concurrent

Ans. (a)

__ is a contract between the owner and user of the asset to use the asset for a consideration.
(a) venture capital
(b) layered financing
(c) deferred credit
(d) lease financing

Ans. (d)

Project appraisal is the process of estimating the costs and benefits of a project to arrive at the __ decision.
(a) investment
(b) profitability
(c) liquidity
(d) none of these

Ans. (a)

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Project appraisal is usually done by a __ Institution.
(a) Marketing
(b) financial
(c) production
(d) none of these

Ans. (b)

Project __ is done after the project is implemented.
(a) management
(b) appraisal
(c) evaluation
(d) none

Ans. (c)

The main object of project appraisal is:
(a) To find whether the project is technically feasible
(b) To ascertain whether the project is financially feasible
(c) To decide whether to accept or reject a project
(d) To know whether the project is eco-friendly

Ans. (c)

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Which one is not an element of project appraisal:
(a) Technical feasibility
(b) Network analysis
(c) Economical viability
(d) Commercial viability

Ans. (b)

About the author


MBA from one of the best universities, Vishal is our marketing guy with experience of 10+ years. He always inspires and empowers to explore more about in-depth topics in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship.

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